"Move the crate a bit more." The worker said as he moved his arms back, taking a step back every time he started to see the crate move. "That's it, keep it coming. Come on, just a little more --" Then, the crank stopped as it swung a little too far to the right, snapping the crate off and making it land nearly on two workers. "God... Jim! I'll talk to you in a bit, right now I got other things to worry about!" The worker then ran over to the broken crate and checked the two people, making sure they were alright before moving them away. But then something... Made him stop and look back. One heartbeat. He moved closer to the center, avoiding the broken pieces carefully and such until he knelt down in front of something strange. Something he had never seen before. Two heartbeats. Ba-bum. Ba-bum. He reached out towards the black jewel that just laid there, it looked so ancient, the markings looked inhumane... All together, it made a perfect prison for what lay inside. He picked it up and looked around, feeling guilty it seemed. He got chills, suddenly he had the most important thing in the world to everyone around him. Then... The voice whispered to him.
"What desire would you want to see... Fulfilled?"
This is where my story begins.
For all of you wondering, I don't know my name. Nor do I know what I am exactly. All I know is what I can do, and everything else. But as far as my origins go, prepare to bash your head bloody against a wall, because that ain't happening. Right, where was I? Oh yes, yes! The first desire. For the rest of the day, he thought himself crazy. No normal voice could speak out to him, it must be his imagination. I left him alone, to leave him thinking he was safe, but in reality it was all for the suspense. That night though, everything changed. He was all ready for beg, all ready to just sleep away that wonderful voice - my voice. So as he closed his eyes, I made my move. "You do know what a desire is, right?" I spoke to him, and he jumped! It was so funny to watch him look at my prison with those big beady eyes, that crooked nose, those -stupid- looking glasses... He was perfect.
"W-who are you?!" He stammered with fright, obviously shaking as he held on to the blanket for dear mommy -- I mean life. I thought it was a good way to introduce something subtle to him now.
"What am I? I don't know, you tell me. You can see me, right?"
"Oh you poor piss... Don't worry about it. Just tell me a desire already though!" He jumped at this, nearly falling out of the bed as he started to get this curious little look on his face as he inched closer to me. He tapped me a few times... Let me put this in a way you will relate to me with. Ever realized what it's like to be a fish in a fish tank when some stupid little ignorant child is tapping freely at it? Maybe I should turn you into fish and let you experience it yourselves! But back to me!
"How much are you worth?"
"Oh for horn's sake!" I shouted at him, making him flinch back. "Are you going to keep jabbing on or what?!?!"
"Y-you... You can grant any desire I so wish?"
"Of course I can! Just say it!"
"Well.... I have been m-meaning to look for a --"
"Oh my god, are you going to ramble? Here's the idea... Just... Bloody... SAY IT!"
"OKAY! I want a woman!" All was silent for a few as he looked at me with curiosity. I think he expected me to come out and kill him in the form of a woman now. To his surprise... I didn't.
"There you go. Here's the deal then. Put this on and never take it off, and I shall grant you any desire you ask... Just, like, this one." The stupid fool pondered for a bit, he really pondered. It felt like it went on forever, maybe I was lucky the sun didn't start to come up. He finally reached over to my prison and put it around his neck, laying back down as I was shouting on the inside with such glee! This is where my twists begin to take. That night, he had a terrible nightmare, but when he woke up, he couldn't remember. He mumbled to me about it tiredly, but I told him I had no idea what he was on about. Hehe, brain of a camel! When he got all dressed, he ate breakfast, he heard a knock on his silly little door. When he opened it, he met a girl there, it seemed he was familiar with her. They talked for a bit before he went off to work, he was so gosh-darn happy that it made me want to puke all over him!
"Wow, I... I don't believe it. You actually work! But... What are you?" He asked like he was newborn child. In a way, he kind of was... To me, at least.
"I have no name. You may call me Master though, if you so prefer."
"Erm, no... But you must have a name! If not, I will give you one!"
"Oh please, what could you POSSIBLY come up with that I will be interested with?"
"Well... What do you like?"
"Oh, the usual! Death, destruction, anarchy, madness, chaos, supreme rule over the land, killing, skinning, chopping, stabbing --"
"Stop, stop! Look... I'll show you something you might like. Okay?"
"Ohh, very well! Surprise me!" As he worked, my mind began to dwell on the thoughts. Only one more day, then, it would begin. Time seemed to fly when I returned home, my mind racing all the possibilities. He briefly coughed before sitting down in front of a computer and pulling up something. "What is this?" I asked.
"The internet."
"I guessed that, idiot... But what are you showing me? Even though I can only see what you see..."
"It's the Greek Alphabet. There's two particular things I want you to look at. Alpha and Omega."
"Sounds dull."
"No, wait, hear me out... Some believe that Alpha means the Beginning, and Omega means the End."
"... Hmm, very well! I choose Omega!"
"Wait, don't you want to --"
"I've made my decision! You can not change my mind!"
"If you so wish... Omega."
"I heard the sarcasm, idiot." As he went to sleep that night, I made my move then. When he awoke, he felt sick. Very sick. So much that he called in sick for work and couldn't go on that stupid date with that stupid person. All he did that day was lay in bed... Perfect. That night, I decided to do it. He struggled a little, but in the end, the inevitable was obvious. I awoke in the morning in my new body, very happy and very confident in myself. I hummed to myself as I looked in the mirror to see my look having come over his own. My ears were pointy, my teeth pointy and sharp, my skin pale like a vampire's and my body having grown a few inches in height. I summoned a black cloak and put it on, letting it be my cape as I chuckled to myself darkly. A knock came on the door as I stopped and glared over at it.
"Charles? You in there? Charles?!" The stupid woman called out as I rolled my eyes. I walked over to the door and opened it, letting her gasp in shock as I gave a little smirk to top it all off.
"Sorry, Charles has left the building." I put my hand on her shoulder and she went still for a moment. Then I pulled my hand away and she fell, dead. I loved doing that! Draining the life force of others, that is. I snapped my fingers and her body vanished. My necklace glowed briefly before returning to normal, I felt more powerful now, I felt frikking great! I took the appearance of the woman and took her car, driving myself to the workplace as I got my acting in place when I found the one named Jim. "Oh, this is terrible! I can't find Charles anywhere! I'm worried something's happened to him!"
"U-um, c-calm down now lady... We'll find him, don't worry! I know where he lives, so you have nothing to fear!"
"I already searched there though!"
"O-oh... Well... I don't know then."
"Your such a doll... Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Um, w-w-what?"
"Is there any... Desires... You may want to see fulfilled?"
"W-w-wellll.... Maybe there's one." Before he could go on, I put my hand on his face and sucked his life out of him!
"Oh dear..." I said in my normal voice, as I snapped my fingers and made his body vanish, the necklace glowing again as I changed into his form. "I granted your desire. But not the way you wanted it... Hehehehehe!" With this, the final pieces were put into place. As Jim, I took the day off and went on my way to where Charles' brother worked. It was a nuclear power plant, I was in luck! I decided to stop by Charles' brothers place, his name was Freddy or something like that. I went in and explained how I couldn't find Charles nor his girl, and he nodded at me. He looked so much like his brother did, it was disturbing a little!
"This is a problem... I will have to look into it. Thank you for bringing this to my attention though... What's your name?"
"Jim, sir."
"Jim, yes... He's told me about you. You are a slacker of sorts, correct?"
"W-what? Me? I don't make mistakes on the job... But back to Charles! Do you know where he could be?"
"He could be anywhere for all I know... Hey, what's that around your neck?"
"Oh, this thing? It's something he found on the job... He gave it to me, said it made him sick... Why do you ask?"
"I thought I've seen it somewhere before... Something about a myth behind it, about a demon and such-wise... Do you mind handing it over to me?"
"Is that your desire?" I spoke out in my normal voice, making him gasp a little as he stared in shock at me.
"W-who are you?" He asked.
"Omega. The name your brother gave me." I said before changing back to my normal form as well, smirking as I made a tie appear in my hand and put it on, adjusting it as I did. "His life was so tasty, that I ended up taking his body in the process."
"What... What are you? A demon? Monster? Mutant? What?!"
"I don't know. But I like my new name, it suits me. The End... This world will suffer, and I will be the one to end humanity. I would say it is my destiny and all, but, well... I'm doing this merely out of fun."
"Yes, fun... Now, come here, and let me -- UGH!" I stopped as he pulled out something, some sort of cross it seemed. It hurt my head, he knew my weakness? He knew much about me... Where I originated him. I wanted his body more then ever now!
"Jealous." He stated.
"You were jealous of us... You wanted us, so you started fake promises to people, starting taking them over... Or rather, looked like them. You lost though once before... You will lose again."
"Enlighten me how you will ever do this, holy man." I growled out in annoyance.
"Easy... You want my body? Well... You won't get it." He then quickly went over and turned something on, I could feel the heat radiating from the location as I knew at once what he was doing. A fire... It was starting to grow! He kept doing it in various places, the fool! I gritted my teeth as I raced after him, intent on stopping his scheme!
"NO! You can not stop me!" I slowed down though as he went into the basement, leaning on a wall as I gasped for air. I looked all around... Pictures, items hanging on walls, anything I saw was something to do with holy! He was a holy man indeed, and it was weakening me! I couldn't put out the flames, he had me! HE HAD ME! I raced down after him, intent on stopping him as the growing fire blocked the entrance behind me. "Come here at once!"
"Fine... I'll come over." He raced over and stabbed something into my chest. I gasped as I looked down and saw he had stabbed a cross into my chest... Water was dripping down it, burning me... What was happening? I was burning... Burning... BURNING! I collapsed on to the floor as I gasped for air, looking at him with a dying glare as the fire began to come down to us.
"I will finally put you to rest, unholy demon."
"Tell me, before I die... What am I?"
"That is something I don't even know."
"Then you are of no use to me." With that I rose weakly and grabbed his neck, gritting my teeth as he struggled. We were like this as the flames danced around us, we struggled and collapsed as we fought with one another. Then the flames became too great and all went blank, the house collapsing in on us...
~ ~ ~
I had done it. I had won. I sat in the car, heading to work to the power plant as I adjusted my glasses. "Hey, Fred, are you alright?" The driver asked me, I shook my head as I closed my hand on the necklace, looking at the driver and nodded.
"Of course. I just... Ugh, what a day."
"I'm sorry about what happened to your home... Tell you what, I'll help you find a place later. That sound good?" He asked me as we stopped at the Nuclear Power Plant.
"Sure... That would be great. Thank you for helping me out of there." I patted his shoulder before we both got out of the car.
"So tell me... What happened back there?"
"... I don't want to talk about it."
"Oh, I... I'm sorry. I wish I had been there, maybe I could of done something to prevent what happened."
"No, it's... It's fine. It's done now, what's happened has happened."
"Alright... You know where I am, just come to me if you want to talk." He patted my back and I nodded to him again.
"Thank you for everything... Again, I don't know where I'd be without you."
"That's what friends are for, right?" He asked with a smile before walking away. I looked to the necklace before looking around. I put it on as it glowed briefly and I smirked, adjusting my glasses again as I chuckled to myself.
"Watch out... Omega is in the house now."
Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway
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