Living with global instability and uncertainty is fast becoming a way of life!
Some governments and corporations seem reactively responding and reverting back to ?survival of the fittest? strategies, resisting change, by using highly controlling and competitive, power based strategies and methods to guard and satisfy a range of seeming ?self interests?.
Whilst others seem to be more accepting and embracing of change, and are searching for possibilities and opportunities that may somehow exist within this chaos and disorder; by seeking to contribute and collaborate towards co-creating responsible strategies to proactively deal and ?work with?, the pace and speed of change and globalisation.
One of the greatest challenges ahead is to find a balance between these two potentially conflicting responses, between self interest and altruism, and between individual and collective gain to build the social capital required to create a more trusted and co-operative society.
Nature provides us with a solution to achieve this type of balance:
Wikipedia describes an eco-system as ?a dynamic interactions between plants, animals, and microorganisms and their environment working together as a functional unit. Ecosystems will fail if they do not remain in balance. No community can carry more organisms than its food, water, and shelter can accommodate. Food and territory are often balanced by natural phenomena such as fire, disease, and the number of predators. Each organism has its own niche, or role, to play.?
In fact, to proactively deal and ?work with?, the pace and speed of change and globalisation and to build the social capital required to create a more trusted and co-operative society, there is an opportunity develop and apply the ecosystem concept by Be-Ing Innovative!
The Global Innovation Index (GII 2012), recently aptly reinforces the need for:
?Collaboration, the flow of ideas between different innovation factors?access to knowledge are, and?all increasingly important ingredients of innovation. So-called innovation ecosystems have become more complex and are now built on more internationalized, collaborative, and open innovation models and knowledge markets.?
The 2012 GII report underlines the importance of linkages and of supporting the optimal infrastructure for these innovation ecosystems.
James F Moore in The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems defined a ?business ecosystem? as:
?An economic community supported by a foundation of interacting organizations and individuals?the organisms of the business world. The economic community produces goods and services of value to customers, who are themselves members of the ecosystem. The member organisms also include suppliers, lead producers, competitors, and other stakeholders. Over time, they co-evolve their capabilities and roles, and tend to align themselves with the directions set by one or more central companies. Those companies holding leadership roles may change over time, but the function of ecosystem leader is valued by the community because it enables members to move toward shared visions to align their investments, and to find mutually supportive roles.?
At ImagineNation?, we have spent 2 years researching, deciphering and evolving the concept of innovative eco-systems. We have explored how this concept can be applied at the individual, team, and organisation, societal and national levels.
We have discovered that the concept of a business eco-system transcends systems thinking.
It embodies and enables us to enact a more practical approach towards enabling contribution and collaboration and the flow of ideas between different innovation factors.
As our case study, we researched how Israel, the Start-Up Nation, successfully evolved the Michael Porter concept of economic clusters into a unique collaborative and co-petitive innovative eco-system.?This has been achieved by its necessity driven, unique entrepreneurial cultural attributes and structured government support initiatives.
This has enabled this tiny, resource poor, often misunderstood and isolated nation to create high levels of social and intellectual capital and a strong sense of community, to enhance its ability to contribute towards and react speedily to an ever changing reality.
By focusing on the possibilities and opportunities inherent in instability and uncertainty, rather than the constraints, Israel has created cultural shortcuts to accelerate innovation and set the foundations for co-opetition (combination of co-operation & competition).
Israel has created a business eco-system where all of the pieces and parts that support and enable people and businesses to be adaptive, sustainable and successful in an uncertain and unstable world.
Our research revealed that understanding, developing and leveraging Innovative Eco-Systems creates significant benefits that enable individuals, teams and organisations, and nations, to:
? Find new ways of responding to and balancing the fluctuating levels of uncertainty and instability now occurring at all levels of society.
? Generate imaginative solutions to adaptive challenges, key problems as well as to improbable and unexpected events.
? Build something memorable that may not have existed previously.
? Re-invent or reenergize organisations and industries.
? Get to the future faster and outthink the competition.
? Ultimately build something worthwhile, sustainable and enduring.
At ImagineNation? we have evolved the concept of an innovative eco-system, by identifying and defining the cultural attributes required enable individuals, teams and organisations to:
? Ignite people?s passionate engagement.
? Enable people to work and flow in the emergent space.
? Allow for experimentation and the development of innovative prototypes without fear of failure.
? Empower people?s courage to play in unchartered waters and an ever changing reality.
We suggest that every individual, team, community, organisation, society and country already sustains an inherent and implicit eco-system that has emerged and operates mostly unintentionally.
By understanding and ?working with? this, and by taking a generative approach, we can shape and leverage these factors into innovative eco-systems that can then achieve exponential results through:
? Understanding and identifying their current and existing eco-system,
? Paying attention to the unique attributes and patterns of each eco-system,
? Intentionally leveraging their eco-system towards specific and desired outcomes,
? Developing action plans to deliver and sustain these results.
At ImagineNation?, we have deciphered, defined and modelled these eco-system attributes and applied and integrated them into a coaching and corporate learning and development model and methodology.
We have designed and developed our own approach to generative learning and generative inquiry processes that integrates emergence, adult and experiential learning within a robust organisational learning and consulting framework.
The outcome is an increased capacity to solve generative challenges and create the mindset flips and fresh lines of sight to perceive and respond to the world differently and make innovation everybody?s job, everyday!
See for our upcoming Coach for Innovators Certified Program? to experience how you can shape and leverage your own business or practice eco-system.
See to learn about our Israeli co-designed business simulation, The Start-Up Game to be-come an Innovative and Entrepreneurial Leader and build your own Innovative Business Eco-System.
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