Friday, October 12, 2012

Paleo corner: Dr Doug McGuff interviewed on Bulletproof Executive ...

My favourite doctor in the entire world, Dr Doug McGuff, lays out his entire ?Body by Science? programme in this Bulletproof Executive interview. For those interested in all things Paleo and Primal, this is an excellent introduction to the world of high intensity resistance training, which can form the keystone of Mark Sisson?s primal commandment on lifting heavy things. Because of its intense nature, Dr McGuff?s methodology also takes care of that other related commandment, sprint occasionally.

Dr McGuff explains why not only his method will make you supremely fit ? perhaps as fit as your individual genome will allow you to be ? but also why it will make you healthy. He distinguishes the two different but related concepts of fitness and health, and explains why to maintain a healthy insulin sensitivity you need the massive glycogen storage power of fast-fatiguing glycolytic muscle tissue, the same tissue which ?standard aerobic? exercise techniques tend to destroy and atrophy, and which his method will enhance in abundance.

Basically, if you want to get fit, lean, healthy, slim, strong, and back into those pants you wore as a teenager, in the best Misesian axiomatic manner choose to listen to this podcast and then act upon its recommendations.

Flip through to 4:04 to get straight to the interview:

In the interview, particularly look out for Dr McGuff?s three personal commandments:

  • Eat a Paleo diet
  • Follow his high intensity resistance training programme, or something similar
  • Always do the opposite of whatever government wants to persuade you to do

Most excellent.

Here are the main health and fitness questions answered by Dr McGuff, during his interview:

  • How did you get interested in health and fitness?
  • Can you share your definition of health, fitness, and exercise so we are all on the same page?
  • Would you talk about how to balance the relationship between anabolism and catabolism to improve health and performance?
  • What are the criteria for something to count as exercise?
  • Can you talk about how exercise is a drug?
  • Do you think running marathons or doing Ironmans counts as exercise? Or should it be considered it?s own entity?
  • What do you think of what most people refer to as ?cardio.? Do you need to do ?aerobic? exercise to keep your heart and lungs healthy?
  • What role does nutrition play in improving body composition?
  • What do you think are some of the flaws of barbell training?
  • Do you think Crossfit is a good way to build strength?
  • What do you think of explosive plyometric/olympic type lifting? Will it really help the average lifter?
  • Is stretching and mobility type work necessary?
  • Is balance training like bosu balls and standing on one foot necessary to improve balance or proprioception?
  • If someone is training for a specific sport, do these principles still apply?
  • What is the best way to fatigue a muscle and produce growth?
  • Can you talk about the specifics of your ?Big 5? workout?
  • If progress stalls, should you do more exercise or less?
  • Does this mean you can?t train more than once a week? What about other activities, do those have to be limited as well?
  • Is this kind of training safe or useful for the elderly or people who lack experience?

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